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Matias Romero train station
Matias Romero, Oaxaca (2024)

The project aims to rehabilitate the old building to house a multi-purpose facility based on the reconfiguration of the architectural program inside where the transport station and its offices are located on the ground floor according to the current needs of the Railway System, a Community Development Center (CDC) – Media Library is included on the other two floors, which allows the community to have a space for meeting and socializing, consolidating the urban center of the town.

This without leaving aside the restoration of the building itself, cataloged by the INAH within the National Catalog of Historical Monuments, for its architectural and industrial relevance. The ground floor will be destined for public use as a transportation station; the project includes the renovation of the station and in the platform area. On the second level there will be the Community Development Center – Media Library, that allows for different spatial configurations, generating projection areas, meeting rooms. reading, collection of books, etc.


On the last level, as part of the Community Development Center, a site museum will be located, recovering all the pieces and machinery present today on the site, such as: signage, maps, radio communication equipment, levers, fuses, anchors, etc.

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Exterior view

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Axonometric station

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